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Hot Smoked Salmon Whole Side
Qty: 1 £66.00
I love smoked Haddock; I’m always surprised it doesn’t feature more often on restaurant menus. Yes, it crops up from time to time for breakfast, or the odd soup if…
Grouse, chanterelles and blackberries Could there be anything more seasonally apt than this recipe? They all arrive at more or less the same time and whilst this may not be…
Risotto. You either love it or you hate it. I love it, but there is a strict condition, It must be well made. I am not a traditionalist, I like…
Green sauce, Salsa Verde….. There are moments in everyone’s kitchen life that strike the eureka chord in the brain and unravel or reveal a whole new set of possibilities and…
Whether you are a fan of this salty smoked garlic spiked paste or not it is worth noting that I have yet to buy one that has been as good,…
What is it about a fried fish cake? Is it the crunchy texture of the outside, or the mellow fishy herby softness of the inside, or a combination of the…
Ah, clams! The thing about clams is that we Brits find them a bit of a challenge, though they taste amazing, we are so used to filletted and filltered, blended…
I love oysters, they are one of my all time favourite things. Chesil Smokery supply the non native “Rock” or Pacific oyster; healthy, large, tasty, sustainable and totally delicious. Unlike…
I have tried to avoid this, it’s a such a tricky one as everyone has a personal favourite version. Some people like hardboiled egg sliced into the sauce along with…
Some days you feel like you really want to cook; there could be no finer ambition in life than to joyfully wash, chop, sauté, season and serve – the joy…