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Cold Smoked Salmon D-Cut Sliced (500g)
Qty: 1 £39.93
Ingredients For the mashed potatoes 1kg/2lb 4oz potatoes, cut into 5cm/2in chunks 50g/2oz butter 100g/3½ oz crème fraîche 3 tbsp warm milk pinch salt and white pepper For the filling 500ml/1 pint milk 250g/9oz smoked haddock 200g/7oz cod loin…
This super simple, spicy soup is like a turbo charged Bouillabaisse, the more delicate saffron and fish soup beloved of the Cóte d’Azur. This more punchy, more robust version is…
Turbot. One of my very favourite fish, so meaty and delicious. This version is bread crumbed on one side very lightly for texture, and served up with a green blended,…
Fish bits ‘fritto misto’ and real tartar sauce “Fritto misto” is a lovely little cover all meaning lots of things fried. I like to do this in breadcrumbs, and shallow…
You can lobster at me all you like, for me, crab is the king of the crustaceans…………….There’s is something satisfyingly British about crab. The idea of a crab sandwich is…
There is very little need to write a recipe for this kind of dish, it is naturally intuitive and just a simple, locally seasoned version of the classic “Moulés Mariniere”…
Recipe of the week- from the Week! A top chef’s favourite Lee’s cooking is known for its robust generosity, and its focus on the character of the principal ingredient. This…
Despite many requests over the years, we have always declined to offer smoked eels, due to the parlous state of the UK eel population. However, the Sustainable Eel Group have…